Value based pricing can be frustrating. If you’ve tried it you may have found, like many people, that it doesn’t work as described.
You produce a great proposal with huge value to the client, present it, and…sllence. What did you do wrong?
You didn’t do anything wrong. The problem is that everything you hear about value based pricing is just step one of a three step process. The fact is, the way your clients evaluate your fee is quite different from the way you do. You can take them through your logic, but it won’t convince them. Only once you understand their thought process, can you can start to be paid what you deserve.
In this Masterclass you’ll learn:
- The psychological principles behind how clients actually evaluate your fees;
- No ROI? No problem! What to do when there isn’t a clear ROI to your proposal;
- The 17 words that raised a fee 150%
- How a social media agency turned something they were doing for free into a £20k/month retainer
- The two different parts of the mind that can operate when thinking about pricing, and the one you must at all costs avoid activating
- How strategies that make no rational sense at all can be hugely powerful in raising fees.
Exactly What You’ll Get
You’ll get 45 minutes of video covering:
The Theory, and how to apply it
There’s nothing as practical as a good theory. I’ll explain the principles of pricing psychology. backed up by hard science. These will empower to diagnose any problem and find a solution. I’ll add advice on how to apply the pricinciples to your particular situation;
Case Studies
4 case studies and examples to inspire you further in creating your own approach.
Bonus: 15 min Accelerator Call With Me
Quick 15-minute call with me to identify exactly which part of the content will generate the biggest win in the shortest amount of time. Get focused, personalized attention on your pricing strategy.
Bonus: Dealing with the 3 Dreaded Questions
When you start to implement value based pricing, you get some tricky questions. The good news is, there are really only three of them. Learn them, practice the answers and you need not be afraid of them ever again.